Violence Prevention Grey Bruce

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project start date: Autumn 2018

In 2018, Violence Prevention Grey Bruce participated in an Ontario-wide initiative Snapshot to examine gendered violence in our communities. The Southwest Region VAW Coordinating Committee (SWRCC) developed Snapshot 2018 as an ‘action-in-a-box’ regional strategy to engage and inform the new government about the state of our communities. They wanted to build a bigger wave of public attention to the epidemic of femicide and violence against women and children.

As a participating committee, VPGB collected statistics from participating member organizations for the time period of January – June 2018. Each participating community gathered local stats to create a ‘snapshot’ to inspire conversations about the overlapping realities of VAW and related issues in their area. Violence against women is not an isolated or individual problem. It is a complex social issue that impacts all citizens.  Snapshot can help paint a bigger picture and spark informed discussion about what is happening in our communities.

Violence Prevention Grey Bruce collected data for the fiscal years of 2018-19 and 2019-20 to continue the work.



You can download the pdf here: 18-2480 – BBW_Infographic_Grey_Bruce_2019_2020_A


You can download the pdf here 18-2480 – BBW_Infographic_Grey_Bruce_2019_2020_B

Spring 2018

The full PDF of the Spring 2018 Snapshot is available here: Snapshot 2018 Grey Bruce[21893] and smaller images of the snapshot are copied below.

Read the press release from the launch here.




Current Initiatives

Grey Bruce Elder Abuse Prevention

Request copies of the Elder Abuse Resource Poster by emailing Include Elder Poster in the subject, specify whether you’d like the…

Educational Activities / Resources

VPGB has recorded some presentations for use in classrooms and home schooling.


Since 2018, VPGB has collected snapshots of violence and social insecurity to inspire conversations in our communities.

Art for Change Contest

We’re hosting a contest for middle and high school students to create and share content about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Contest closes January 17th.

Working Together Protocol

This Protocol outlines what happens when services and providers respond to sexual and domestic violence. It is designed to help service providers work together effectively and for the public to have a clearer understanding of how services and providers respond to sexual and domestic assault situations.

STOP Sexual Violence Survey

In 2017 and 2018, VPGB conducted research about sexual violence prevention in our communities. Read the findings here and join the conversation.

Anti-Human Trafficking Committee

The Human Trafficking committee formed in early 2018 to examine and respond to human trafficking in Grey and Bruce counties. Members represent…

Know Me(n) Better

In November 2017, the Men’s Program and its Advisory Committee offered a one-day forum called Know Me(n) Better at the Bayshore Community…

Research & Reports

Violence Prevention Grey Bruce has conducted many community based research projects over the years. View historic reports here.

Into the Open: Sexual Violence Prevention

In June of 2014 Violence Prevention Grey Bruce struck a sub committee to work with the community on sexual violence prevention in…

We are leading the way to a safer community.

Our shared vision is an inclusive community where all people live their lives free from all forms of violence and oppression, and have equal access to the best of what the community has to offer.

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