In 2018, Violence Prevention Grey Bruce participated in an Ontario-wide initiative Snapshot to examine gendered violence in our communities. The Southwest Region VAW Coordinating Committee (SWRCC) developed Snapshot 2018 as an ‘action-in-a-box’ regional strategy to engage and inform the new government about the state of our communities. They wanted to build a bigger wave of public attention to the epidemic of femicide and violence against women and children.
As a participating committee, VPGB collected statistics from participating member organizations for the time period of January – June 2018. Each participating community gathered local stats to create a ‘snapshot’ to inspire conversations about the overlapping realities of VAW and related issues in their area. Violence against women is not an isolated or individual problem. It is a complex social issue that impacts all citizens. Snapshot can help paint a bigger picture and spark informed discussion about what is happening in our communities.
Violence Prevention Grey Bruce collected data for the fiscal years of 2018-19 and 2019-20 to continue the work.
You can download the pdf here: 18-2480 – BBW_Infographic_Grey_Bruce_2019_2020_A
You can download the pdf here 18-2480 – BBW_Infographic_Grey_Bruce_2019_2020_B
Spring 2018
The full PDF of the Spring 2018 Snapshot is available here: Snapshot 2018 Grey Bruce[21893] and smaller images of the snapshot are copied below.
Read the press release from the launch here.