In November 2017, the Men’s Program and its Advisory Committee offered a one-day forum called Know Me(n) Better at the Bayshore Community Centre in Owen Sound. The day was dedicated to exploring men’s struggles, trauma, healing, and experiences with local services. The goal was to create a conversation among the community generally – and service providers in particular – that would illuminate the types of cultural norms and struggles that cause men’s silence and to explore its consequences. The event was named Know Me(n) Better to imply the joint goals of helping men to speak about their experiences and helping community members and service providers to better understand and support men with traumatic lived experiences.
A report on the day’s events is available here.
The November event was a full day forum for local men and service providers to speak about men’s experiences and struggles. Organizers are planning the follow up sessions in response to community requests for more spaces where men can talk about the things they struggle with individually and together, as well as what they can do to make positive change. The Know Me(n) Better discussions will take place in the Christie Hare rooms at the Bayshore Community Centre in Owen Sound on Wednesday April 18, May 16, and June 13, 2018.
Why get together?
In November 2017 we held a one day forum for men and service
providers to learn and speak about men’s lives. People wanted to keep the conversation going.
Who can come?
These sessions are open to anyone who identifies as male
aged 16 and over.
Talk about what?
These first three sessions will help us figure that out. The conversation topics will be open. We’ll collect ideas to shape more events we plan to hold across Grey and Bruce counties starting in the fall. Generally we want to talk about the struggles men experience and how we can address them in safe and healthy
The meetings will run from 7-9pm. Entrance is free and donations are welcome to help cover the cost of the space.
The brochure is here: Know Me(n) Better brochure
There’s a Facebook event to promote it here.