The Human Trafficking committee formed in early 2018 to examine and respond to human trafficking in Grey and Bruce counties. Members represent organizations working to prevent and respond to human trafficking as well as interested community members and people with lived experience. With a focus on sex trafficking, the committee is currently mapping assets, gathering resources, and collecting the experiences of local agencies and survivors. Our goal is to raise awareness of the issue in ways that best address human trafficking and support survivors in our communities. The committee is also compiling resources to support a more cohesive community response.
- Read the Anti-Human Trafficking resource manuals we created for parents and youth and for service providers.
- Learn more about human trafficking by reading the article we contributed to Grey Bruce Kids.
- See the resources our sister committee Huron DART compiled for youth at their website.
- Check out the information available from Kids Help Phone and their info about recognizing the signs.
Listen below to hear the November 24, 2020 edition of the Open Line radio show featuring a discussion about human trafficking and the community forum.
Community Forum
We hosted two free virtual events to wrap up our two-year anti-human trafficking work in November 2020. The virtual forum featured guest speakers Kaitlin Bick and Karly Church who shared their presentation about the realities of human trafficking and the importance of using a trauma informed approach when supporting survivors. They spoke about their own lived experiences and their efforts to help support other survivors in their journey towards healing and developing resiliency. We recommend that kids as folks as young as 12 watch the presentation along with supportive adults.
You can watch the event by clicking on the link below.
If you or someone you know is experiencing (or has recently experienced) human trafficking, contact Victim Services Bruce Grey Perth for immediate support. If you or your organization would like to join the committee in this work, please contact or
Watch our feature episode of Grey County Life to learn more about human trafficking and how this committee is working to address it in Grey Bruce.